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Removing Stains from Painted Interior Rooms

Many homeowners want to protect the money and time they invest into painting their interior rooms. Besides wanting their home to look clean and appealing, having well-maintained interior rooms can help impress potential buyers, if the homeowner decides to put their home up for sale later. Homeowners can utilize easy cleaning methods for an interior paint project to keep it in tip-top shape.

navy-painted living room with sofas and coffee table on wooden floor with fireplace in corner and ceiling fan

Paint Selection

Some homeowners find it tempting to choose a lower quality paint for an interior painting project to save money. However, lower quality paints often do not provide easy clean features. Before purchasing paint for an interior room, whether the paint is for the walls, the doors, or trim, make sure the paint is washable. Selecting a good quality paint that allows for the cleaning of surface stains with simple soap and water will go a long way to ensuring a room stays attractive for years to come.

Removing Surface Stains

If the paint you are trying to clean is washable, the first method for removing surface stains is simply to try to wipe away the stain with a damp cloth and a touch of mild soap. For more stubborn stains and scratches, a pad like Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser found in most grocery and hardware stores is an amazing product that can lift out seemingly impossible stains and scratches. First, read the instructions on the package to determine which surfaces the manufacturer recommends their eraser for cleaning, and only proceed on those recommended surfaces. If the stain or scratch is in a noticeable area, first do a spot test with the eraser in a more discrete area and use a light touch. If you like the results, then use the eraser on the stained area. It is better to use light pressure several times rather than scrubbing hard on the first application. 

The Last Resort 

If you are trying to cover a stain on an older paint and are not having success with any cleaning products, it might be necessary to try and match the paint color and type (flat, eggshell, etc.), and paint over the stain. If the stain is large and/or looks like a water stain, you'll want to make sure there are no structural issues like damaged drywall or water leaks that need repair before trying to repaint the area. If the stain bleeds through again after painting it, a blocking primer like Kilz may be necessary. You will need to prime the area, let it dry properly, and then apply your finish paint.

To learn more about how to keep your interior paint surfaces looking their best, please contact us for further tips and help on painting today!

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