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Refresh Your Office Space for The New Year

painted office space in kansas city

As the year draws to a close, right now is a great time to refresh your office space. The interior of your office helps set the tone for your business, so it's important to think carefully about the colors you choose.

Consider Your Clients

The color of your walls gives your clients an immediate impression of your company. Do you want them to feel relaxed as soon as they walk in? You may want to consider soft colors, such as shades of purple and blue. Do you want your clients to feel energized? Shades of yellow and red can grab their attention immediately.

Consider Your Employees

The color of your interior walls can affect the mood and productivity of your employees. How do you want them to feel during the day? If your company specializes in creative endeavors, you may want to use shades of brown and green. Incorporating pops of blue may also help your employees to concentrate better.

Consider the Purpose of Your Space

The way you use your office can also help you choose paint colors. Do you display products for your clients to compare? In this situation, a neutral color scheme may be a good option. Shades of gray and beige can provide a good backdrop so you can highlight different products. Do you hold corporate meetings? A black and white color scheme always looks professional.

Diversify Your Approach

As you consider paint colors, remember that you do not have to pick one color for all the walls. You may create an accent wall by painting one wall gray or cream. This can serve as a solid background and communicate your company's expertise and professionalism. Adding pops of color throughout the rest of the space can help you set your desired tone.

If you are ready to give your office space a makeover, contact the experts at Major Painting. We can provide you with high-quality painting so your employees and clients can start the new year with an improved office space. Call 816-795-9049 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today to get started!

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