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Prime Before You Paint

When starting a new paint project, selecting the right color is an important step in making your vision, reality. However, there is one other key step that you'll want to include before applying any paint. While priming can sometimes seem like an unnecessary extra step, a quality primer can do wonders for your painting project.

painter using paint roller to prime wall

A primer will help to prepare and seal the surface you're painting. If you're working with something that's already been painted (such as a wall or a piece of furniture), or you're starting with bare wood, a coat of primer will also help to cover any blemishes such as knots or unevenness. Because primer seals the surface of your project, the paint will adhere better, helping you to achieve lasting results. Using a primer can also help you save money. When primer isn't used, paint typically just soaks into the surface, resulting in having to apply more and more coats of paint, costing you both your time and money.

Types of Primers

When purchasing a primer, look for one that is specific to the type of project you're completing.

  • Oil-based primers are widely used and work well with most types of paint. They are used to prepare a variety of different projects: walls, metals, and any surface that has previously been painted will work well with an oil-based primer.
  • Latex primers are water based and are most often used for prepping drywall for paint or on soft woods such as pine. Latex primer covers well and also helps to conceal any cracks or scuffs in the surface.
  • Shellac primers are ideal to seal wood or to do an interior paint job where the walls might be smoke-stained or dingy. Shellac-based primers are great for stain-blocking. Whether rust, water damage, or smoke damage is the issue, a shellac primer can cover it! Keep in mind that there is more work involved when using a shellac primer, because it has to be thinned with denatured alcohol.

Paint and Primer in one is also another choice. However, the results with a paint and primer in one are not predictable. If there are any stains, the color is more than a few shades lighter than what is already on the surface, or if you're working with new wood, selecting a specific primer is best.

No matter the project, at Major Painting Company, we strive to empower you to tackle your projects head-on. We have been serving the greater Kansas City area for over 30 years and we take pride in helping our customers achieve the results they want. For more information or help with your next painting project, contact us today!

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