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4 Ways to Spruce Up Your Reception Area

An office remodel doesn't have to be an enormous project. Just upgrading your reception area can make a huge difference. When an office's reception area is warm and inviting, it makes customers, and your employees, feel welcomed and at ease. Check out these four ways you can spruce up your reception area.

office newly remodeled by professional commercial carpenters

1. Add A Touch of Nature

One cost-effective way to create a more inviting office is to add one or two large plants to the reception area. Place one on each side of the room so customers can see them when they arrive. Not only do plants contribute to better and cleaner air quality, they also provide several benefits including stress reduction and improved productivity.

2. Change The Paint Color

Another easy way to upgrade your reception area’s appearance is to paint the walls a different color. Hire an office painter or commercial painter who can achieve the look you want quickly and with precision. Not all colors are inviting for this area so choose carefully. Some good colors to consider include light blue tones, light yellow, neutral tones with green or orange accent colors, and combinations of white and other tones such as purple, light gray, or turquoise.

3. Get Comfortable Furniture

It also helps to provide more comfortable furniture for your reception area. Provide a variety of seating options for guests that could include seats with and without arms, medium-sized benches, or hip chairs. The cushion of the seating should also be comfortable if guests will have long waiting times.

4. Give Guests Some Cool Entertainment

Place a TV in front of the seating area and put it on a fun and entertaining channel instead of the same boring cable news networks. If you're a pediatrician, it makes sense to have kids' programming on for the little ones while they wait. Include some tasty treats on a separate table in the area and put a variety of magazines on the benches for guests to read.

A good office remodel for the reception area doesn't have to require a significant amount of money or time. These simple tweaks can make your office 10x more attractive and welcoming.

At Major Painting, we specialize in commercial painting and remodeling and can help you create a more inviting space for your employees and customers. If your office is in need of an upgrade, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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