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3 Mistakes That Lead to a Poor Exterior Paint Job

When it comes to having your building's exterior painted, it's important to ensure quality work at every stage. Exterior paint faces many unique challenges that require special care and attention. Avoid these painting mistakes to ensure a quality paint job that will last.

professional painter painting exterior of house

1. Neglecting Proper Preparation

When painting your exterior, the prep work is important. To endure the test of time it needs to be done right. Do the following before you begin to ensure a professional looking paint job:

  • Power wash
  • Replace rotten or damaged siding
  • Scrape off flaking paint
  • Seal gaps with caulk
  • Cover discolorations with stain primer
  • Protect your trim, fixtures, ground surfaces, and plants

2. Favoring a Bargain Over Quality

Too many people underestimate the importance of outdoor paint quality. The paint you or your painting contractor chooses needs to be able to withstand rain, snow, wind, and a decade of wear and tear. While premium paint is more expensive, investing in a premium paint now will save you money in the long run.

3. Poor or Inconsistent Technique

The beginning of good technique is knowing when to begin. Pay attention to the weather and make sure the surface is completely dry before applying paint to ensure the coat adheres properly.

When painting, it’s best to start at the top and work your way down. This keeps paint from running and leaving drips. Applying a primer before painting will help ensure a more even coating and a longer-lasting paint job.

Choose an Expert

An exterior painting process requires a detailed approach and is best done by a professional. If you're looking for a quality painting contractor in the Lee's Summit or Kansas City Area, contact our professionals at Major Painting Company for a quality job done right every time.

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