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Wood Rot: When to Repair and When to Replace

Over time, moisture can penetrate wood, causing wood rot. When wood rot occurs, it is important to repair the affected area or replace the feature entirely. However, deciding when to repair and when to replace your wooden features is not always the easiest choice. Discover a few factors to consider to help you make this decision when dealing with wood rot.

residential property needing wood rot repair

3 Factors to Consider When Dealing with Wood Rot

Wood rot typically occurs in areas where wood comes in contact with soil, is too close to greenery, exposed to leaky plumbing or standing water, or beneath damaged roofing. When you spot wood rot, three factors should be taken into consideration when deciding whether to repair or replace it.

1. How Severe is the Damage?

Detected early, wood rot in areas like the base of a door jamb, a corner of the window sill, or the ends of eaves and overhangs is something that can easily be repaired, and should serve as motivation to take measures that prevent ongoing damage. However, when wood rot extends throughout, breaking down the overall integrity of the feature, replacing the wood entirely will be your best call.

2. Is the Wood Feature Structurally Significant?

Beams, columns and joists are integral to the structural integrity of your home or building, so when wood rot shows up in these wood features, your concerns change from aesthetics to the safety of your family, visitors to your home, or your employees and customers. Though there are a few measures that can be taken to repair slight damage, replacement is typically the better option when you are dealing with wood rot in structural members.

3. What is the Cost for Repair vs. Replacement?

In most cases, repairing moderate damage to wood features costs less than replacing the entire feature, which can become a complicated process. Repairing wood rot in its early stages will help prevent ongoing damage and is cost effective, but when wood rot is more advanced, ongoing repair and damage can be more costly than replacement.

Seek the Help of Our Professionals at Major Painting

Regular, seasonal inspections of the wood features on your home or commercial building make it easier to detect wood rot early and prevent it from becoming a costly problem. When you see wood rot, no matter how extensive, your best option is to seek the help of a professional. At Major Painting, our expert team will evaluate the damage, advise you on whether to repair or replace it, and apply our expertise to help you preserve the wood features of your home or building.

To learn more about our commercial and residential wood rot repair services, contact us today!

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