A lot of planning goes into the paint job before a brush even touches a surface. For a painting project, it's important to have the right equipment and ensure that the area that you are working in is safe. However, one of the most crucial steps is also selecting the right color to paint. Many people start a job and stall because the color that they thought would work turned out to be the wrong choice. Painting is a step-by-step process that requires diligence and fine attention to detail, and that process starts with color selection. Here are some steps that will help you choose the right one for the job.

modern, clean, blue living room

What is the Look of Your Home?

This is simple yet important. You want to get an idea of what color will look the best, and the first way to figure it out is by stepping back and looking at the room as a whole. What kind of furniture will be in that room? What color will the furniture be? For example, if your furniture is Earth tone colored, then you are not going to paint the room hot pink. Take the time to really think about what you want the room to look and feel like and what kind of furniture do you want in the room. Then, you can start shopping.

Sample with Color Swatches

Color swatches are an easy way to decide what color to get. Color swatches are small plastic strips that have a particular color on them. They can be found at building supply, hardware, and paint stores. Browse the store's selection. If you see one that you like, pick up one of the swatches, and take it home to see how well it matches up with the room. Pick up multiple swatches in different tones of the color that you are considering, so you can see how different shades look.

How Does Light Affect the Color?

Light plays a big part in how your house looks and should be a factor in choosing the right color. To pick the best color, you need to see what direction the room that you are painting is facing. For example, a north-facing room may have a bluish tint. If so, you may consider bolder colors. South-facing rooms usually have a lot of light that shines through, so darker colors may work best in this room.

Paint a Small, Inconspicuous Area First

This is a good way to see what your chosen color will look like in your home. Dab a small amount of paint color in a discreet spot. Then take a good look at it and see how it matches up with the rest of the room. You will be able to quickly determine whether your choice of color was the right one. If it was, continue painting! If you second-guess your choice, then you will only need to repaint over a small area when you truly find the best color.

Choosing the right paint color is one of the first and a very important step in the project process. Decide on the best color carefully. For more information or help on choosing the perfect color for your next paint jobcontact us today.