Beginning a painting project can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to have the proper tools and supplies, you must know their proper application to ensure the best possible results. This can usually take a lot of research and time out of your already busy schedule. On top of that, there are even other details and particulars to be wary of when you’ve moved to paint your ceiling. Keep in mind this list of tips and tricks when you're attempting to paint your ceiling for the first time.

conjoined living rooms with white ceiling filled with couch, desk, and windows shining daylight

Tools Required

The essential supplies for painting a ceiling are minimal, but necessary for a respectable paint job:

Prepare and have all items on hand before starting your project to ensure a smoother, overall process.


Whether your ceiling is textured or smooth, it's crucial to sand your ceiling before you begin the painting process, as this will eliminate the ceiling's coarse bumps, ensuring an even paint job. A sanding pole will do the trick here. 

Use painter's tape to block paint from getting on your walls, door frames, or any other moldings near your ceiling. Also cover any door knobs, fans, and furniture with plastic or drop cloths to prevent paint from dripping onto them.

Primers, such as stain-blocking primer, help to cover unsightly flaws in your ceiling and create a stronger bond with the paint, so it's best to apply them beforehand.

Special Kinds of Paint

When choosing what kind of paint to use on your ceiling, you'll want a paint that adheres well to the surface and is durable enough to prevent chipping. Textured ceilings, like popcorn ceilings, do well with a flat latex paint, while glazes can add a glistening sheen.

Colors are also an important factor to consider. Darker colors make a room feel smaller, and thus cozier and lived-in. Lighter colors, on the other hand, can make a room breathe and feel more expansive by vividly or brightly reflecting light and opening up the space.

Once you've gathered the supplies, laid the foundation, and determined the type of color you want, you'll be on your way to having the ceiling you've envisioned. Painting projects can be major tasks, so the professionals at Major Painting Company can help you complete that vision. Contact us for more information about how we can help you achieve your dream home and ceiling.